As you will see I've designed a trophy that is every bit as resplendent as the creators and propagators of the winning entry deserve. No expense and minutes on mircosoft paint have been spent... I mean spared. I'm sure the winners will proudly display their virtual trophy on their websites and social media profiles for years to come.
The only criteria for entry is I had to come across it during 2014. Many of the photos were produced pre-2014, that doesn't matter.
Social Media Simpletons: Did they REALLY think they would get away with these?
1. The exposed tit.
Guess what? It was from an app.
2. A load of old RAPs. Courtesy of Radford Area Paranormal Society or RAPS.
This one came with this message: "Greetings to all
Here are two photo's taken back to back in a house that is experiencing "scratching" on all the doors and the walls from what we have learned. This family did some "FALSE" practices (ways of the world) to try and rid their home of the activity taking place. As a result from what their improper actions done they have amplified this activity and now the entity is manifesting to the family.
As of tonight we have verified that these are authentic pictures taken over this past weekend, as we received these yesterday and verified truthful from a family member and stated not faked at all.

We wanted to share with all of you and we hope to discuss the Demonic activity with the family to set them free from the nightmare they are now in.
Pray for this family."
False practices you say! Err... would that be the false practice of using a Ghost app to insert a scary little girl into your picture? As exposed by TK Anderson on the excellent "There's a (Ghost) App for that" Facebook page.
False practices you say! Err... would that be the false practice of using a Ghost app to insert a scary little girl into your picture? As exposed by TK Anderson on the excellent "There's a (Ghost) App for that" Facebook page.
The Media "who is checking this stuff?" award.
1. Scratch that Mitch: Mitch Conner and the Graveyard Ghost (almost every paper)
As exposed on this very page.

2. You're not Shona believe these ones! The Daily Mirror
This poor family were followed around the York Prison Museum by a menacing little girl ghost, who had the nerve to appear as the same image in EVERY photo!
Kids these days!
Kids these days!
Here she is sat next to their computer, as they fake photos of her to sell to the Mirror!
She didn't get a cut, no wonder she looks pissed off!
Seriously though the image appears on several ghost apps this one came from Ghost Prank.
The "Every Breath you Take (a photograph of)" award for best moisture.
1. Its Breath.
1. Its Breath.
2. Its Breath.
And Finally...The "what the hell is that supposed to be" Life Time Achievement award goes to...
The Rev, Neal Farley for these entries.
The Rev, Neal Farley for these entries.
1. Errr... Cookie Monster?
2. Errrr... Woody (without his hat)?
Honourable Mentions
Slow shutter speed.
Every orb Photo... Ever
This awesome camera strap from 1999!
This awesome camera strap from 1999!
So that's it. I could have literally chose a hundred more. Chose your nominees if you like. I'm not really bothered who wins.
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